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Futuristic Working Environment...

What does it take to simulate a futuristic working environment for the architects of tomorrow?

At first glance sounds like a great leap of imagination with no apparent concern to traditional as well as contemporary working environment. However, if that argued scientifically, would have opened up doors to a whole new world ahead of our time.

Why is that so important?

Because, faculties are accountable to build roads and bridges to the future rather than spinning around the circles within their comfort zones. A future that natural intelligence, creativity and skills are sharply challenged at the verge of the artificial implementation of a modern futuristic working environment. Architectural schools have already strategic plans to prepare student for the future?

Gold Mantis Architecture school at Soochow University has already launched a new program by the name of FTM-DA which stands for the Futuristic Teaching Methodologies in Design and Architecture. FTM-DA is an international joint venture research study that is teamed up with Danish and Chinese professors that take initiative to stand ahead of the time by practicing, developing and sharing their innovative teaching methodologies that are exclusively aimed to prepare and to boost creativity in students who are shortlisted for an extreme challenging working environments in future.

The program carries over an Advanced Interactive Digital Workshop (AIDW) as well as providing opportunities to exchange lecturer and students within Denmark and China.

How AIDW works?

This is the key, to accomplish the goals of the program and will be explained more in following articles and seminars.