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Objects in the Social Field- Design and the Relational city

 2014 Apr.9th, pro. Thomas Kong visited our school and gave the students a wonderful lecture “Objects in the Social Field- Design and the Relational city”.


pro. Thomas Kong is an licensed architect of Singapore, he is now teaching at the top art school of USA: School of the art institute of Chicago, he also taught in Lasalle College of the Arts(Singapore), National University of Singapore, Ryerson university(Canada).


pro. Thomas Kong was also invited to the final review of the design studio class- Dental office. He asked students to think about how people would experience this space, how the color and material can effect people’s experience and how the changing of the light can be nicely designed in a dental office…


We were glad we had a great critique. Since pro. Thomas Kong is teaching in Chicago now, it was also a good opportunity for our teachers to exchange the ideas about teaching.