Email: [email protected]
2011.09 - 2015.11
法国图卢兹大学,国立应用科学学院(INSA-Toulouse),城市工程, 博士
2008.09 - 2011.07
北方工业大学, 建筑设计及其理论,工学硕士
2020.05 – 今 苏州大学 威尼斯人 ,讲师,副教授,硕导
2016.04 – 2020.05 北方工业大学,建筑系,讲师,硕导
2017.11 – 2021.07 中国建筑标准设计研究院,兼职研究助理
2017.07 –2018.01 北京市房山区长阳镇人民政府,镇长助理(挂职)
2009.07 - 2011.05 中国电子工程设计研究院,北京时空筑诚建筑设计有限公司,实习
2018,论文评阅突出贡献奖,Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Elsevier
2017 优秀班导师,北方工业大学
2011-2015,国家公派留学全额奖学金,中法 UT-INSA 博士项目,国家留学基金委
1. B. Wang, L.D. Cot, L. Adolphe, S. Geoffroy, J. Morchain. Estimation of wind energy over roof of two perpendicular buildings. Energy and Buildings 88 (2015): 57–67.
2. B. Wang, L.D. Cot, L. Adolphe, S. Geoffroy, S. Sun. Cross indicator analysis between wind energy potential and urban morphology. Renewable Energy 113 (2017): 989-1006.
3. B. Wang, L.D. Cot, L. Adolphe, S. Geoffroy. Estimation of wind energy of a building with canopy roof. Sustainable Cities and Society, 35 (2017): 402-416.
4. B. Wang, Geoffroy S, Bonhomme M. Urban form study for wind potential development. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 49(1)2022: 79-9.1
5. B. Wang, S. Sun, Y. Li, Y.N. Xie, Q.T. Jin, X. Hou, Y.Y. Ren. Campus wind environment evaluation in north China–A case study of NCUT. Energy Reports, 6 (2020) 787–793.
6. Biao WANG,Shuai SUN, MingLei Duan. Wind potential evaluation with urban morphology - A case study in Beijing. Energy Procedia (153) 2018, 62-67.
7. Biao WANG, Shuai SUN, MingLei Duan. Impact of building form on the wake flow wind potential. Energy Procedia (153) 2018, 383-388.
8.Wang, Biao; Sun, Shuai. Urban wind energy evaluation - A case study in NCUT campus. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2020, 453(1): 012035.
9. Biao WANG, Shuai SUN, Ying LI, Yuxin HOU, Yaning XIE, Yuyao REN, Qiutong JIN. Campus Wind Environment Evaluation (Case Study: North China University of Technology). International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development 10 (1), 01 January 2020: 59-66.
10. Biao WANG, Meisi LV, Jia GUO, Kang LI. Public Space in Urbanisation Area: A Case Study of Xihuangcun Road. International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development. 1(3): 5-10 (6), 2012.
11. B. Wang, L.D. Cot, L. Adolphe, S. Geoffroy, J. Morchain. The Impact of Urban Form on Wind Energy Potential. Proceedings in 21nd International Seminar on Urban Form, Porto, July 3-7, 2014.
12. Biao WANG, Luc ADOLPHE, Léa D. COT. New building typology for solar chimney electricity. In Cavallo R, Komossa S, Marzot N, Pont MB, Kuijper J (Eds), New urban configurations. IOS Press: Amsterdam. 2014:293-298.
13. Biao WANG, Luc ADOLPHE, Spirit of Place in Science Park: Take ZJ Inno-Park as an example. Ambiances in action: Proceedings of the 2nd international Congress on Ambiances. International ambiances network, 2012: 551-556.
14. Ping AN, Biao WANG. User Preference Survey on Staircase Rotation. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture 9 (2015): 836-844.
15. Ndahiro Fred, Biao Wang, Bedacee Vishista, Rai Abhishek Hang, Uwera Joseph Kahaya, Mlotshwa Maunda. Wind Energy Estimation under the Impact of Urban Morphology: Example of Beijing, Proceedings of the 3rd Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy. Serbia, Niš, 2017:145-150.
16. Hao, Q., & Wang, B. Landscape pattern changes in coal resource-based cities: A case study of Huainan City in China. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 2024, 8(2):2946.
17. Biao WANG, Bo ZHANG. A Survey on Use-Preference of Staircases with Different Rotations. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium for Environment-Behavior Studies. Harbin, 2010: 532-536.
18. 王彪, 杨凤臣, 科技园场所精神探析[J]. 建筑与文化,2011 (5): 36-38.
19. 王彪,基于街区形态的通风潜能评估——以北京为例,2020中国环境科学学会科学技术年会论文集,2020.09,pp1034-1039.
20. 王彪. 典型住区形态下的风环境评估——以北京为例[J].现代城市研究, 2022(07): 22-28.
1. 王彪 (著),城市风能:城市形态学视角下的城市风能开发[M].中国建筑工业出版社,2019年12月.
2. Biao Wang, Urban Wind Energy Evaluation with Urban Morphology. Chapters, in: Karam Youssef Maalawi (ed.),Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wind Farms and Hybrid Systems, IntechOpen. ISBN 978-1-78984-408-5. Intech, 2020.03. (章节)
2022.10-2024.10, 街区形态数字模型库在城市规划中的应用——以苏南地区为例(20220305),自然资源部国土空间智能规划技术重点实验室开放课题,3万,主持
2020.01-2022.12国家自然科学基金(青年51908002): 城市街区形态+风环境模型库的建立与应用--以北京为例, 22万,主持
2018.01-2019.12, 北京市自然科学基金(青年8184069):基于风环境污染物降减的城市形态优化机制研究--以北京市为例,10万,主持
2018.01-2019.06, 北京市高校基本业务费 (1803-042): 基于城市形态学的城市空气污染物降减机制研究--以北京市为例,11万,主持
2018-2019,石景山区八角街道责任规划建设 (110052431743/011),1.5万,主持,石景山区八角街道