1) 2022至今,苏州大学,威尼斯人 ,副教授
2) 2020-2022,慕尼黑工业大学,研究员
3) 2019-2020,瑞典皇家理工大学,研究员
1) 生命历程视角下城市建成环境对老年人健康的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2024-2026,主持
2) 新型居民共享出行行为研究, 欧洲研究会 (European Research Council, ERC), 欧盟地平线 2020 计划 (754462),2020-2022,主持
3) 基础设施公平性与均等性研究, 慕尼黑工业大学, 2020-2022,主持
4) 新型居民出行方式研究,欧盟 WISE-ACT COST行动计划,2019-2022,项目负责
5) 新型交通出行行为研究,Drive Sweden, Vinnova,2019-2022,项目负责
6) 交通政策对居民出行行为影响,瑞典环境保护局,2019-2022,项目负责
7) 欧洲科学与技术合作组织,COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) ,智慧出行行为研究, 2020-2022,参与
8) 智能化出行系统,奥地利联邦环境与能源署,2021-2023, 参与
9) 共享移动出行对居民未来生活和出行方式的影响,EIT Urban Mobility 欧洲创新与技术研究院,2020-2022,参与
10) 居住区选择、居民就业和出行方式选择行为分析,博士研究课题,2015-2020
11) 典型城镇群空间规划与动态监测技术集成与示范,国家“十二五”科技支撑项目,2012-2015,参与
12) 基于动态释氧效应场的城市绿地空间布局研究,国家自然科学基金,2012-2015,参与
1) 智能交通系统模型和技术国际会议(MT-ITS 2023),委员会委员
2) TRAIL Research School (Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics) 会员
3) NETHUR Research Institution (Urban and Regional Research) 会员
4) NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activity Research) 会员
Journal of Transport Geography
Transportation Research Part A
Travel Behaviour and Society
Sustainable Cities and Society
Nature (Scientific Reports)
Networks and Spatial Economics
Transportation Letters
Journal of Advanced Transportation
Journal of Transport and Land Use
Transportation Research Record
代表性论文 ....……………………………………………………………………………………...
1) Guo, J., Susilo, Y., Antoniou, C. and Pernestål, A. 2022. Customers’ Optimism Bias and the Word of Mouth in an Automated Bus Service Adoption. Cities.
2) Guo, J., Susilo, Y., Antoniou, C. and Pernestål, A. 2021. When do people Choose Automated Buses over Conventional Buses? Results of a Context-dependent Stated Choice Experiment. Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol. 69,102842.
3) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2020. Co-Dependent Workplace, Residence and Commuting Mode Choice: Results of a Multi-Dimensional Mixed Logit Model with Panel Effects. Cities, Vol.96
4) Guo, J., Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2020. Temporal Interdependencies in Mobility Decisions over the Life course: A Household-level Analysis using Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Journal of Transport Geography, Vol. 82.
5) Guo, J., Susilo, Y. Antoniou, C., and Pernestål, A. 2020. Influence of Individual Perceptions on the Decision to Adopt Automated Bus Services. Sustainability, Vol. 12, 6484.
6) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2019. Time-varying Dependencies among Mobility Decisions and Key Life Course Events: An Application of Dynamic Bayesian Decision Networks. Transportation Research Part A, Vol.130, 82-92.
7) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2018. Modeling Co-dependent Choice of Workplace, Residence and Commuting Mode using An Error Component Mixed Logit Model. Transportation, Vol.47, 911-933.
8) Guo, J., Susilo, Y. and Pernestål, A. 2021. How Expectation and Perception Affects Public's Use Intention of Automated Buses for Different Journey Purposes. hEART 2020 – 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Lyon.
9) Guo, J., Susilo, Y. and Pernestål, A. 2020. Temporal Elements of Expectation and Perception in Adopting Autonomous Buses Services: Evidences from Stockholm. 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA.
10) Guo, J., Susilo, Y. Antoniou, C., and Pernestål, A. 2020. 10. Optimism Bias and Word of Mouth in Delivering Transport Technologies,Cost Action CA 16222 (European Network-Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport)
11) Guo, J., Cumbane, S., Digofalvi, G. and Susilo, Y. 2019. Towards a Sustainable Use of Electric Vehicles: The Design of a Stated Adaptation Web Survey Tool. The 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.
12) Guo, J., Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2019. Temporal Interdependencies in Mobility Decisions over the Life Course: A Family-Based Analysis Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA.
13) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2019. Taste Variation in Co-dependent Choice of Residence, Job and Transportation Mode. 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA.
14) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2018. Modeling Co-dependent Choice of Workplace, Residence and Commuting Mode Using an Error Component Mixed Logit Model. 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington DC, USA.
15) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2018. Analysis of Temporal Dependencies in the Occurrence of Life Events Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks. hEART 2018 – 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation. Technical University of Munich.
16) Guo, J., Feng, T., Zhang, J. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2018. Dynamic Life Course Analysis on Household Mobility Decisions. World Transport Convention (WCT), Beijing, China.
17) Guo, J., Feng, T. and Timmermans, H.J.P. 2017. Co-Dependent Workplace, Residence and Commuting Mode Choice: Analysis of a Multi-Dimensional Pivoted Stated Choice Experiment. NECTAR 14th, Madrid.